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Tuesday – Legs

Tuesday – Legs

Squats – 3 x 8 Leg Extensions – 3 x 8 Leg curls – 3 x 8 Leg Press – 3 x 8 Calf Raises – 3 x 12 Leg Kickbacks – 3 x 8 Lunges – 3 x 16

Sunday – Fasting

Sunday – Fasting

So today is going to be the hardest for most people.  Its going to be a full day of fasting.  This means you are going to have around 100 calories total.  Now before you decide this is impossible.  You’ll be too hangry, you get dizzy, […]

Saturday – Biceps and Lats Endurance Building Day

Saturday – Biceps and Lats Endurance Building Day

BICEP PULL-UPS – 3 Sets with 8 Reps Each

Notes – These are going to be your standard pull-ups.  Use the assistance machine to do these.  Once again don’t let your fear of using a high amount of assistance to do them.  No one cares at the gym, and everyone started extremely weak at first.  When doing these you are going to want to have your first set be the hardest, and make easier.

LAT PULL-UPS – 3 Sets with 8 Reps Each

Notes – So instead of your palms facing you they will be facing away and your grip will be wider.  These are going to be a super set which means right after you do your bicep pull ups you want to do these right away.  Then you take your 30-120 second break and go again.

Elliptical Machine – 2 Minutes

Notes – You want to keep your heart rate up after doing super sets.  This will keep it up but let your arms have a little rest so you can go again.

BICEP PULL-UPS – 3 Sets with 8 Reps Each

Notes – Same thing all over again.

LAT PULL-UPS – 3 Sets with 8 Reps Each

Notes – Same Thing Again

Elliptical Machine – 2 Minutes

Notes – You want to keep your heart rate up after doing super sets.  This will keep it up but let your arms have a little rest so you can go again.

Wide Grip Barbell Curls – 3 Sets with 8 Reps Each

Notes – You are going to be doing super sets again.  With barbell curls it can help some people with large hands to wrap a cloth around the bar to help get a grip that will isolate your biceps more.

Wide Grip Palms Facing Away (reverse grip) Bent Over Rows – 3 Sets with Reps To Exhaustion

Notes – Using the same amount of weight you used for the widegrip barbell curls you want to do bend over rows.  These are going to be until you are dead tired.  The goal is to basically work your lats a bunch as they are a pretty hard muscle to isolate a lot of the time..

CRUNCHES – 3 Sets with Reps To Exhaustion

Notes – This is an endurance building day. So you want to do crunches to the point that you can do them anymore for each set.  The goal is to get a great workout in there on your abs.

Monday – Chest

Monday – Chest

Barbell Bench Press – 3 x 8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT7DgCr-3pg Barbell Incline Press – 3 x 8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbFgADa2PL8 Barbell Decline Press – 3 x 8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR6WM5Z2Hqs Dumbbell Bench press – 3 x 8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHsUIZiNdeY Chest Dips – 3 x 8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN6Q1UI_xkE Cable Crossovers – 3 x 8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taI4XduLpTk Pushups To Exhaustion – 1 […]